Internal Request Process to Order Items with Duke's Name and/or Trademarks

Duke's Trademark Licensing Policy requires that ALL items bearing any of Duke's names, trademarks, logos, images, or those for Duke organizations, departments, events, etc. be purchased only from licenssed Duke vendors (Duke Licensee).

While Duke Registered Student Organizations, departments, and internal groups can order from any licensed Duke vendor, most order from Internal Campus Suppliers: promotional companies expressly approved to support campus stakeholders. Common items include apparel, accessories, drinkware, and many other promotional items.

While the full list of Duke licensees can be found under the Licensee tab, the internal campus suppliers for Duke are listed below:

• Ad Resources, Inc. in Durham, N.C. 919-384-7904 ( or
• Ad Spice Marketing, LLC in Durham, N.C. 919-286-7110 (, or
• Body Billboards in Durham, N.C. 919-544-4540 ( or
• Brand It Inc. in Durham, N.C. 919-401-4900 ( or
• BSN Sports, LLC in Farmers Branch, TX. 919-401-4900 (
• G. Alan in Durham, NC. 919-544-0055 (
• Goldner Associates, Inc. in Raleigh, N.C. 919-647-9265 ( or
• ID America in Chesapeake, VA. 757-609-3162 (
• Innovative Adhesives, LLC in Cary, N.C. 866-926-2266
• J&K Screenprinting Co., in Hillsborough, N.C. 919-732-5918 (Joe and/or Josh at
• Nadel in Culver City, CA. 310-815-2603 (
• Proforma Triangle Print Services in Raleigh, N.C. 919-303-0303 (
• Staples Promotional Products in Overland Park, KS 314+692-3157 (
• Stitch Doctor Embroidery in Durham, N.C. 919-382-1900 (
• Synergy Imports, LLC in St. Paul, MN. 651-493-4267 (
• TSC, Inc. in Apex, N.C. 919-303-1739 (

Steps to Order Items with Duke's Name and/or Trademarks    
For any additional questions, please email

  1. Select and contact a Duke Licensee.
  2. Work with licensed vendor to finalize product and design concept.
  3. Licensee will submit design to the Office of Trademark Licensing.
  4. Artwork is reviewed daily but please allow up to 2 weeks for review.
  5. Licensees can process order upon final approval from OTL.

1 A Duke Approved Vendor and a Duke Licensee are two different things. A Duke Licensee is a company that is authorized to manufacture or print items that bear Duke's name, trademarks, logos, images, etc. or those for Duke organizations, departments, events, etc. Duke policy requires that only Duke Licensees be used for this purpose.  A Duke Approved Vendor cannot manufacture or print items that bear Duke's name, trademarks, logos, images, etc. or those for Duke organizations, departments, events, etc., unless that Duke Approved Vendor is also a Duke Licensee.